Manage cleanliness. Maintain value.
Every single visitor to a building walks through the entrance. So it’s the only place where you can prevent dirt and moisture from being trodden all over the interior.
Our solutions maintain the value of your asset!
Our entrance matting systems trap dirt. Preserve your valuable floor coverings and cut cleaning costs. Reducing moisture makes for a healthier building. Our clean-off systems are designed so that you can tailor them flexibly to suit your architecture.
That is why emco 3-zone cleaning combines different specialised mats to create a sensible system: optimised for your needs!
Our specialists will advise you and help you plan the ideal
solution to keep your entrance area clean.
And provide after-sales support when you need it!
Our original DIPLOMAT and MARSCHALL entrance mats offer great cleaning performance and a wide range of options in terms of functional and visual design.
For many years, our original entrance mats have proved that they fulfill their function. Dirt is trapped: for greater cleanliness in the entrance area and throughout the entire building.
The DIPLOMAT Premium and MARSCHALL Premium entrance mats are TÜV tested. Your property is protected from dirt and moisture, which also improves safety. Your valuable floor coverings are preserved.
Cleaning costs are reduced. Ecological aspects also improve. You have the freedom to continue your style consistently in the entrance area as well.
The toughest model PLAZA of all the robust solutions is ideal for picking up significant amounts of coarse and fine soiling in heavily frequented buildings. Can be rolled over and also driven over by pallet trucks and goods vehicles.
The extravagant one for architecturally sophisticated properties. Ideal design for all entrances with round structural shapes. Ideal for picking up fine dirt.